Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Manage a Knowledge Enterprise with Emaar's Knowledge Management Solution

Information is scattered across the enterprise and to make a meaningful gain out of that requires Knowledge Management Method that can streamline information flow and data management. This is the core of Emaar's Knowledge Management Solution.

The "Web-based Enterprise" relies on the "Document Directory" which serves as the Knowledge Management System.

Our solution will transform your company's "Directory Structure" to create an enterprise-wide knowledge asset with all the documents, messages and Web pages scattered across your servers, databases, content management systems into a comprehensive Knowledge Management system.

Business Value Through Emaar Knowledge Management Solution:

By deploying our cutting-edge KMS Solution, you can transform your company into a knowledge enterprise and leverage the information to create business value.

  • Easy to Deploy
  • Cost-Effective
  • Flexible and Scalable
  • Compatible with various platforms
  • Fully Web-enabled
  • Built-in High Security